
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Menu Monday...err I mean tuesday night..

Ha! I actually let this little goal of mine slip a bit, but better late than never I suppose. So here is my weekly menu.

Disclaimer: my husband is out of town again and I have been a crazy woman trying to do it all myself. (Heaven help me if I am ever a single Mom. I have so much respect for those of you who are!) Anyway, as you can plainly see, we have not been very healthy so far this week! But hey, you do what you can do, right?!

Monday--The boys had Nathans Hot Dogs and soda pop combos at Sams Club while I shopped.

Tuesday--Blueberry Smoothies (TJ the smoothie maker " forgot" to add the spinach:), clementines (before wrestling match) and Taco Bell (after basketball practise)

--yep that is fast food twice already! Yikes! Now for my plans to do better:

Wednesday--Ribolitta Soup, crusty bread, apple wedges

Thursday--Thai Chicken Lettuce Cups, fresh pineapple

Friday--Build your own Calzones--with lots of veggies offered:), carrot sticks, grapes

Saturday--leftovers--Date night with Brad--I am so looking forward to this!

Sunday--"Brupper" (Waffles, Eggs, Blackberries, Orange Julius)


  1. a mom's gotta do, what a mom's gotta do! hope your week without hubby goes well--you're awesome!

  2. It was sooooooooooo great to talk to you last night. Love the honesty about fast food twice. We TOTALLY are in the same boat many weeks :) I think our kids will live- it's US that the fast food effects! You're a great Mom & I can't imagine how tough it is to be alone & in a strange city. I hate being alone here & my Mom lives 15 minutes away!!! Plus, I have great neighbors & friends. You're doing great. Love ya-

  3. sounds yum! and I love the "brupper"!! haha!


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