
Friday, February 12, 2010

Rock on Valentine

Last night after TJ's {awesome}basketball game
{our little point guard scored 12 points of his teams 22--and also had some perfect passes and great rebounds--woo-hoo!}
we stayed up past our usual bedtime to come up with a cool Valentine mailbox for his class party. There is a candy prize being offered for the best mailbox--which is very inspiring for a 5th grader:)
We had so much fun together creating this little number.
I realized that this is TJ's LAST year in elementary school--his LAST class valentine party--the LAST time I get to help him with a silly valentine mailbox.
My heart ached a little little boy is growing up!
I am so busy all the time with my 5 boys--but this evening I realized it is such a short time that they need me.
I know I am going to cherish these crazy, busy, SWEET days forever!


  1. Yeh, and you're doing it ALL ALONE!! Dad

  2. I had better explain my previous comment of "ALL ALONE"!!! I just mean without 'US'., Brad and your little boys have been a big part of our lives for 12 years. This grandfather is going thru withdrawal pains alittle bit. I just miss you and yours! . . .still.

  3. Way cool!! Hope he wins the BIG prize! :) Yes, they are all growing up way too's great to see what they are becoming, but a little sad nonetheless. Happy Valentines!

  4. What a great mailbox - super cool! That post made me a little emotional! you are so right - they grow up so fast, you have to appreciate every moment (even though that is difficult at times, haha! I'm typing this as Gabe is screaming upstairs in his bed - bedtime is very hard for him lately!) Tj is so grown up, I can hardly believe it. What's strange is I was thinking of him as a baby today and how cute he was. I think Gabe did something that reminded me of Tj at his age!

  5. Wow... super cool guitar mailbox! Does middle school start in 6th grade there? TJ looks super grown up. Give him a Vday kiss for me. :)

  6. That is one awesome Valentine box! Did he win? If not, I'll be surprised!

  7. HOw did I miss seeing this. TJ is a super HANDSOME GUY! I sure love that boy. I loved the guitar valentine box too! :-) Grandma S.


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