We are bursting with excitment for Halloween around here!
We have lots of fun Halloweening to do in the next couple of days.
I thought I would share with you some of the free goodies I have found to help us get into the Halloween spirit:)
First up:
Bridger's Birthday Party will be at our Haunted House tomorrow .All the children will come in their costumes and be greeted by Hagatha the witch:) I have my painted my nails a nice shade of black in preparation.

We will be sending everyone home with some Rotten Pumpkin Teeth, found here.

We have lots of fun games planned, including some coloring pages here.
Over the next few days I will be making these Halloweenish foods for my crew:
Recipe for apple smiles here
Mummy Dogs recipe here

We have lots of fun games planned, including some coloring pages here.
Over the next few days I will be making these Halloweenish foods for my crew:

Mummy Dogs recipe here

Last, but not least I found these delightful halloween joke notecards for the boys lunch. They love them! Get the free download here.
Hope you enjoy these Halloween goodies!
Have a spooky week:)

Have a spooky week:)
We discovered the apple mouths a couple of years ago and they are Bryson's FAVORITE!! Thanks for the joke cards he will love those to
how cute - I loved all those ideas! We are going to have a spooky weekend here with Eric's parents coming in town - can't wait! I LOVE the recipes - I want to try them out for sure. So Hagatha is there today for Bridgers party... yay how fun!!!! Call me later and tell me all about it!! :)
This is perfect timing-tomorrow my daughter is having a few friends over for a little "party". I've been coming up with some ideas and this was perfect to finish up my plans! Have fun with all your little darlings today and Happy Partying!
Cute! Love all those fun ideas. I hope Bridger's party is a huge success!
I've seen so many cute Halloween food ideas, but those apple smiles are my hands down favorite! We already did out Halloween party, but I'm going to make those just for us! They are so fun :) Happy Birthday Bridger & Happy Halloween!
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