Friday, May 28, 2010

My Birthday Morning with BOYS

It is my birthday today and I woke up to some little surprises...

Brad was up at his usual early hour of 5 am and off to provide for our family ("to pay for this mess" he likes to say:) What a guy!

But before he was gone to fullfill his manly duty, he left a little birthday message behind. I don't dare see which of my lipsticks was I mean used:)
It was worth it:)

Cannon my early bird boy was up at 6:30am. I talked him into watching cartoons in bed with me while I tried to sleep in:) By 7 am TJ was anouncing that Cannon was going to watch Spongebob on the couch so I could read while they made me breakfast! They had gotten up eartly for my birthday. How sweet:) I was given strict instructions to not come out until I was called. They did this on their own without the Daddy. I was impressed!!

My breakfast with boys...The menu cracked me up...

*Bacon--lots of it!!
*Ketchup & hot sauce
*ice water
Their whole life I have given them fruit and some type of bread or grain with breakfast, but they are true men in the making...eggs and meat are obviously their favorite part:) It was a cute little reminder that I am surrounded by boys!!
But I do see that I am having some influence on them with the tablecloth and napkins that they did on their own:)
It is going to be a good day!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First Day of Summer

This is the official first day of summer around here. While my big boys slept in, my little ones were ready for breakfast. Bridger requested pancakes, but insisted upon the ones from the box of Bisquick he could see high up on the pantry shelf. I only have that mix for my crustless quiche recipe. I pride myself in being a homemade pancake kind of girl, but we made bisquick this morning:) I am happy to report that Bridger didn't really like them, he wants the "regular ones" next time...phew!

After pancakes and yogurt the little boys danced to the layed back sound of a 'Jack Johnson' song in the sunroom. My heart was happy watching these sweet little ones rolling around and giggling with the early morning sunshine streaming in. The magic ended abruptly though when someone got poked in the eye by someones toe...but hey it was beautiful for the minute that it lasted:)

I will have 5 boys home all day everyday for the next few months. I know it will be crazy at times, but I am actually really excited. The funny thing is, I am always equally excited for school to start again and be back on the scheduled life once more.

But for now I am planning lots of fun for our time together. My goal is to fill our summer with lots of memory making moments that will hopefully add up to the kind of childhood they can look back on with happiness. With that in mind...

Our Summer "Bucket" List:

*Lots and lots of Swimming in the warm sunshine

*Star gazing late at night on a big blanket with my boys

*Road trip to Utah

*Touring Nauvoo, IL on the way

*Hike the Y in Provo UT

*Ride Grandpas horses

*BBQs and fun with Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and cousins in UT

*Find a small town parade to go to

*Make full body little boy tracings with sidewalk chalk

*Trips to the snow cone shack--I gotta figure out where that is here

*Overnight camping trip in the TN woods

*Walking the greenbelt and over the TN river bridge in downtown Chattanooga
*Watch a cool fireworks show with lots of sparklers

*Read 'A Dog Called Kitty' to my boys

*Invite a big group of kids over for 'Kick the Can'

*Make Smores on the back deck

*Put together a Beatles Rock Band Party

*Figure out how to make the best homemade lemonade ever

Well, I better go! We are ready to start checking stuff off:)

What do you have on your list this summer?

Monday, May 24, 2010

I have a TEENAGER:)

Yesterday we celebrated Connor's 13th Birthday with a requested dinner of Chicken Alfredo and a frozen Oreo ice cream cake.
I still can not believe that it has been 13 years since I became a Mother.

I came across this picture of Connor turning 7 and it feels like yesterday. How could it be 6 years ago? Little ones grow so fast. In fact he is now taller than me! (Bridger likes to tell this to everyone--even random people at the grocery store.) He only has me by an inch so far...but I know he will tower over me soon enough!

Contemplating his wish:)

Connor was the sweetest baby. He rarely cried (except when we were in the car), he slept great (thru the night from about two weeks on),and he was a great eater (nursing or bottle--he didn't care). He was what you would call an "easy" baby.
My whole life I had dreamed of being a Mother and I will always cherish that sacred time in my life where Connor and I figured it all out together.
The experience was beautiful and amazing.

Connor has a quiet nature, a kind heart, a serious integrity of character and a depth of soul that I admire. He is a truly good young man. I feel so blessed to be his Mother I am thankful that Heavenly Father sent him to lead out our band of brothers. He is a worthy leader for our little crew of boys. I can already see his influence on his four younger brothers who want to be just like him.

"I love you big as the sky!"

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Need a little inspiration...Watch this!

Remember this post I wrote about Ms. Stephanie Nelson of Nie Nie Dialogues a couple of years ago? I love this girl! She is such an inspiration! Here is a little update on her story. She is a beautiful woman living a beautful life even thru incredible difficulities.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Menu Monday

Thai Coconut Curry Shrimp from last week--on sisters cafe--mmmmm

**Most of these recipes are on Sisters Cafe**

Monday--Citrus Gouda & Chicken pasta Salad, fresh whole wheat Baguette,fresh pineapple, broccoli, ice cream with fudge sauce for FHE (family home evening)

Tuesday-- Quinoa Cakes with Black Bean Salsa (last week they didn't happen--we had last minute quesidillas instead), with guacamole, corn on the cob and applesauce

Wednesday--Tiki Masala over Brown Basmati Rice, spinach salad with strawberries, lightly sauted snap peas with sesame seeds

Thursday--Crustless Quiche, whole wheat banana muffins, roasted cauliflower, oranges

Friday--Leftovers or frozen food for boys--date night for Brad and I with our birthday boy--he chooses the restraunt!

Saturday--Connor's birthday party--pizza and lots of junk food with all his friends:)

Sunday--Connor's actual birthday-- Grilled Chicken, Fettucini Alfredo (my boy's favorite), baked parmesan zuchini strips with marinara dip, breadsticks, fresh grapes and peanut butter fudge cake for the birthday celebration

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sweet Utah Trip and BYU Women's Conference

I was surprised by the tears that filled my eyes when I saw the Rocky Mountains out the window as my plane landed in Utah.
Although I love Tennessee, I was so happy to be home!

And then I was teary again when I got to hug my sweet little sister Mindy and her baby Jack outside of the luggage area. Mindy and I talk all the time--but how I have missed her in person!
Jack, Mindy and myself ready for church

Straight from the airport we raced off to meet a few of my dear friends at the Blue Lemon in Highland for a lunch. Once again my eyes filled up as I saw more than a few of these sweet women I have missed so very much! I know, I know I am a mushy girl...but my heart was filled! Thank you all for coming! I love you much!

Getting a good picture was tricky--but we had so much fun catching up!

After that I hurried to my Mom and Dad's to be there when they got home from work. We got ready for a Cafe Rio (my favorite) dinner and trip to the temple. It was so fun to spend time with my parents. Of course they spoiled me with wonderful meals, the coziness of home and lots of love! I was a kid again and it was delightful!!

My cute Mother-in-law just happened to be in Utah that same weekend on her way from Scottsdale, AZ (her winter home) to Boise, ID (her summer place). We had quickand fun visit! I am very blessed to have the best Mother in law ever. She is sweetheart and I love her very much.
I was sooooo excited to meet my little brother Matt's newest son Logan. He is absolutely precious! He has the sweetest little spirit. I was in heaven getting to snuggle with this little man!! What a long awaited treat that was! I also spent time with his big brother Wesley, my brother Matt and his wife Amy and Miny'd hubby Griff--but sadly I was too busy enjoying my family to take pictures. I love you guys!! And miss you much!

And last but surely not least, Women's Conference was just as INCREDIBLE as ever!!

I truly LOVED every minute of it and hope to never miss this yearly conference if I can help it! I came home armed with so much inspiration and filled with a desire and determination to Choose to Serve the Lord (this years theme). It was a beautiful experience for me.

And although this is not the best picture I had to include a shot of my conference partner, my "bosom buddy" Stephanie. We had so much fun! I love you Steph!!

This was after a long and awesome day on campus!

I would highly reccomend looking on KBYU TV for rebroadcasts of Women Conference 2010. There were some wonderful talks. My favorite was Julie B. Beck's Opening talk. When it becomes available I will link to it so you can all read it. It was AWESOME!!
Hope you are all having a great weekend!
Well, I am off to the YMCA for some swimming with my boys!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Menu Monday

I am determined to stick to my menu this week. No more last minute cereal or fried egg dinners! I am especially excited about tomorrow night's dinner. Brad will be gone that evening taking a client out, so I can get away with making seafood with no complaints! Thai Coconut Shrimp is actually a Weight Watchers recipe...and it sounds so good! Hopefully it will be. I have had several readers email me requesting WW recipes on Sisters Cafe. So here we go!

Monday--Tomato Basil Soup and Turkey Paninis
Tuesday--Thai Coconut Shrimp over Jasmine Rice, Fresh Grapes, Roasted Asparagus
Wednesday--Southwest black bean Wraps, strawberries, Carrot sticks
Thursday--Quinoa Griddle Cakes with Black bean and corn Salsa, garden salad, oranges
Friday--Calzones, Hummus and Veggies, fresh fruit bowl
Saturday--Date night-Taquitos from the freezer for the boys or leftovers:)
Sunday--Minestrone Soup, grilled cheese, spinach salad with craisins and apples, lemon cake with berries

Friday, May 7, 2010

Home Sweet Home

My trip to Utah was WONDERFUL, seriously perfect...but it so good to be home.
I missed these boys of mine.
Here are my little side kicks while the big boys are in school all day-

Brother kisses

My days have been full (too full for blogging). Things needed my attention,
like a mountain of laundry...

Flower pots to fill

And last but most exciting,
a darling little almost three year old to potty train! I am so close to be DONE with diapers! Wooo hooo! This little jar of candy is a reminder that Cannon and who ever helps him go potty is sweetly rewarded. Everyone is involved. I think the treats are more for my other boys--Cannon just loves all the attention! He so enjoys his big brothers offering to take him to the bathroom all the time. The he eats up all the cheering and clapping for him! His little face is just beaming with happiness. He is so loved. It is such a treat for me to watch! It makes up for all the little whoopsies I am cleaning up!

Next week I am back on track for Menu Monday!!

And more on my time in Utah with family and friends--I love you and miss you all so much!!


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