Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Family Cookbook Project--DONE!!

Remember my Family Cookbook project I talked about last year?  Well, I am happy report that I finally DID it!  I went through all my recipes and chose my VERY favorites and created 2 cookbooks.  I actually made two cookbooks--one is 'Christensen Family Favorites' full of our everyday best recipes and the other I named ' Let's Celebrate' and it is full of party food recipes and traditions to celebrate holidays etc.  I used the company called Tastebook and I recommend them wholeheartedly!!  I LOVE my books and they were really easy to make. The hardest part was trying to decide which recipes to include.  Once of my favorite features of the Tastebook Cookbooks is that you can add to them as needed.  It is hardcover book with a very nice binder type mechanism.
Since I have a recipe website, I am always testing recipes and finding new favorites!  Now I can add recipes whenever I want--I just order them online for less than a dollar a page and they come in the mail ready to insert in my cookbook--like this:

I also LOVE that there is a little dedication page in each of the books so I can be "mushy" about how much I love my family and preparing good food and traditions for them:

I will treasure these family cookbooks forever, especially since there are spot for pictures and little notes to personalize each page.  I plan on gifting these book to my boys when they get married.
I think a cookbook or a gift card to Tastebook would be the PERFECT gift this Christmas for anyone who enjoys cooking for the ones they love.  If you log onto Tastebook you can see most of my recipes from the sisters cafĂ© --my username is Melanie Christensen.
Aren't they pretty?
I am really excited to FINALLY have them.  It took be a year to get a round to doing it but I am so glad I did!!  Trust me anyone would LOVE to have one of these beautiful personalized cookbooks!
Can you tell I am a little excited about mine?


Susanne said...

You're amazing and your books are fabulous! Not only are your boys lucky to have you, but one day down the road, you will make a wonderful mother in law.

Anonymous said...

Am I the last one to ask this, but is your cookbook going to be available for purchase?

Anonymous said...

I would love to purchase these cookbooks also if they are available. Can you let us know if you are taking any orders for them. Since we love your Sisters Cafe blog, the cookbooks would be a great keepsake.

Erin said...

I love it, Mel!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to purchase them too!

Unknown said...

I'm curious is Tastebook still provides this service. I browsed the website and don't see anything like this offered. Does anyone else have ideas for ring binding? I really like the 12 ring binding.

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