Can tomorrow really be Friday?! This week has seriously flown by! I had lots on my plate this week, including...
*Speaking in church Sunday--about trusting in the Lord. What a beautiful experience for me to prepare that talk. Was able to share one of my very favorite quotes-
“Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He will deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, raise up friends, and pour out peace. Whoever will lose his life in the service of God will find eternal life” (The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, p. 361).
*enjoyed a happy Valentines celebration with my sweet boys
*being in charge of a dinner and program (New Beginnings) at my church for the teenage girls and their parents. In preparation for my presentation, I spent some time studying the women of the old testament. I was so touched to be reminded that women have always been at the heart of God's plan. How grateful I am for the noble and righteous women of the scriptures who had a sacred and important missions to fulfill. I also felt so deeply and was able to share with the sweet young women that they are precious and loved beyond measure. That as daughters of God they have a noble birthright and that He has a plan for each of them too. When we dedicate our lives to God through prayer, scripture study and service to others we are HAPPY, at peace and confident. I know this to be true.
* lunch with a dear friend that I love. My boys were at preschool and so we talked for hours with out interruption at a little table at Jason's Deli. Honestly, I probably didn't have time for that, but I don't care how busy I was, it was worth it. There are certain people that are just good for your soul, you know?!
*played a number of 'Memory' games with my little boys. They are addicted to that game right now and good at it too! Bridger seriously beats me! It is funny how a few minutes of my undivided attention and my boys are happy for hours. I am learning to not put off those requests of little games when they come. They really don't take too much time and soon enough they will be too old and busy to want to play with Mom.
*lovin' American Idol with my big boys! What do you all think so far? We DVR the show and watch it here and there when homework is done and we have a few minutes. So fun!
What I am looking forward to this weekend:
*relaxing in our spring like weather--if only I had a spot like that to gaze out at! Doesn't that look heavenly?
*celebrating Valentines day with my love. Just the two of us. He has something planned and I am excited! Last weekend our romantic plans didn't really work out.
*sleeping in! I am so tired by the end of the week. How are we going to do early morning seminary next year? Yikes!
*maybe a trip to Nashville to cheer on some young men we know that made it to the State Wrestling tournament!
*a long weekend with no school Monday. yipee!
Happy Friday to you!
Excited for your big surprise this weekend! :) And hoping you get some REST! Sounds like a crazy insane week! :)
Have a great long weekend you busy lady! :) Miss ya!
I love all the cute, snuggly, and silly pictures you post of your sweet, I mean rugged:), pack of boys! I am missing all my cute Christensen nephews right now! You are such a sweet mama and I just can't believe how much your family is growing up. Give everyone a big hug from me and tell them I'm missing them and hope they are all doing awesome!
Hi Melanie!
I'm a Cafe fan, and I also like to read your family blog. I'm a new mom--I have a two month old son--and you are truly an inspiration. I love seeing how much you enjoy motherhood, and the fun things you do with your sons. Thanks for sharing!
what a wonderful post - thank you for sharing Mel. I always love to hear about your life because you are so positive and inspiring. Honestly I know you're life isn't glamorous or anything (being a mom can't be!!) but it just feels like it's so FULL. I can't explain it. I just love and respect you so much... and I sure love all those boys!! I love hearing about how they are doing. Gabe and I play memory now and then too! and Eric and I (and sometimes Gabe) are watching AI too! :)
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