My boys are a little crazy for football. I mean, really you have to be a little crazy to wear 10+pounds of gear, for 3 hours a day in 90+ heat and humidity, while chasing and smashing each other as hard as you can, all for a little brown ball:)
What a glorious pass time, huh?!
Actually, I did enjoy watching the boys play, and even more I was so impressed with how hard they worked and committed they were. It was a lot of loong, sweaty, difficult daily practises and they never dragged their feet about going even when they did not get the playing time their hearts desired. That is determination and true toughness!
I love it when my boys are a great examples for me!
Did you know that it is not cool to grin while wearing a football uniform?
Did you know that it is not cool to grin while wearing a football uniform?
I had to crack some seriously funny jokes to get this much...
(actually I think they were teasing me and my desire to snap some pics)
Connor forgot the order form and check that I filled out for football pictures, so I made him do our own little photo shoot as punishment:)
One with the brothers...
Coleman and Cannon have the football face down.
Bridger (batman) needs a little work.
Yeah, I am kinda worried about Bridger's football career with all those smiles and cute sparkly least he will charm the cheerleaders:)
hi mel! these photos are too cute. what a great bunch of boys you have!
ooh, and thanks for posting my granola bar recipe! grant still takes one in his lunch every single day. we love 'em!
ps. i've been meaning to tell you, when i sent you the instructions on how i was eating raw oats... well, i didn't know what i do now! so i wanted to let you know that now i AM soaking them-- if you'd like more details, we can definitely email!
that was such a cute post! Those pics of Connor and TJ are so good - what handsome boys. And I am so proud of them too for working so hard at football. They are an inspiration to me as well! I LOVE the pics of Coleman and the little boys! Coleman (and Cannon!) do look pretty serious and ready to crack some heads! Bridger looks so adorable in his - your comments made me laugh! so true! :)
Those are nice jerseys! I bet they have a great time this year with football. Tell TJ congrats on being only one of seven boys to make JV as a sixth grader! I bet he'll do awesome. And be sure to put together a highlight reel of Connor laying on the hits! I only got to see him play once but I was so impressed with his ability to get into the thick of the tackles. That was always the hardest part for me... I hated getting hit! Connor's a tough kid. Love you sis! Hope TN is treating you well. Tell Coleman to stop winking at the lunch lady and Bridger to stop wearing pink dresses and tell everyone hello!
Cute cute pictures! Your boys look so handsome! Tell Connor, I love his haircut. It reminds me a little of the guy in "Dear John." I can't remember his name, but I liked his hair. :) Those pictures of the little boys copying their big bros were adorable, too. Although, maybe you shouldn't tell them that since they were trying to look tough. Which of course they are, too. :) Matt's comment was hilarious, too. Gotta love their funny uncle!
Hahaha! I love the sparkly eyes and cute smiles from Bridger! :) All those pictures are great. TJ and Connor both look like Studs in their football gear. All the pictures are darling - oops, I mean TOUGH. I'm proud of them!
Oh, WOW! I really miss those boys - smile or no smile, they are HANDSOME!!! I loved the football photo shoot. :)
Tell Brad to make some big bucks so you can all come home this Christmas!
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