I LOVE this time of year...
Weekend Plans:
(*orange words are links!)
Clean my bathrooms; enlists the boys!
Make some fall treats to Boo our friends with
Visit an apple orchard and sample some fresh cider and homecooked fritters
Fast this Saturday-Sunday
Have some yummy family meals, including this warm and wonderful soup
Really connect with my children--inspired by this sweet parenting message below:)
Love this quote from the above video regarding family meals:
"It is not the food, but the family interaction
that nourishes the soul"
Have a Happy and Sweet Weekend!
Go Cougars! Wow- dad, Amy and I really missed the cougs best fans tonight as we watched the game! I'm sure your household was as rowdy and loud as dads as the upset unfolded!
Love you sis- thanks for the nice voicemail this week.
You are seriously such an inspiration to me! I love your blog, your ideas, your faith! You're incredible! Thanks Mel for being such a role model! :)
Did anyone else cry while watching this? {i didn't either if you didn't!! :) } Thanks Melanie for the this video! Really a thought provoker!!
thank you mel - i really needed to hear that! It was perfect inspiration for a talk I'm preparing for Sunday...and a wonderful reminder to me personally.
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