Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday Morning Surprise

SNOW Look what we woke up to Sunday morning (October 12)! Coleman was the first one up and was bundled in his snow clothes and out playing before his brothers had even rubbed the sleep out of their eyes. It didn't take them long to join him though! We had to find all the gloves, boots and even whip up some hot cocoa!

This picture was taken on Friday afternoon just 2 days before the above pictures! Bridger is in shorts! Utah weather is very fickle in the fall! Crazy!! And I have to say--the snow is all melted and gone now and my flowers still look pretty good! I may have a couple more weeks of enjoying them, maybe.


Mindy said...

Look at those cute boys! I love the picture of them all looking out the window the best. The first snow fall is soooo exciting, isn't it!?

Brittany said...

Isn't that the truth about crazy fall weather! That snow KILLED my garden and then when it got warm again my shriveled and black tomatoe plants looked so odd! The boys sure know how to take advantage of a white morning! What a cute little guys!!!!

Monkeybuns said...

NO FAIR! I want some snow down in Arizona! I haven't seen snow since i was, like, six!

kaleyq said...

What wacky weather! I love the picture of all the boys looking out the door! Such cute boys you have!

Erin said...

That is some pretty crazy weather! I bet you appreciate that nice weather your getting even more now that you had a taste of winter!

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