Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Happy Stuff

How is your Wednesday going?
Mine is dark and gray
We have had a TON of gloomy rainy days lately. 
 I have to admit that although I love a good rain, I am getting a bit tired of the constant gray skies--blah!
Today I really need to focus on some happy stuff 
-so here are a few badly needed bright spots..

*We had a 2 hour school delay this morning (SLEEP IN--yeah!) due to constant rain and flooding around these parts.  When we got the call cheers were going up and there were lots of fist pumping!  I was especially happy because I knew I could stay up late and watch an episode of ...

*Downton Abby season 3.  I just found out that it has started! Episode 3 airs on PBS this Sunday, so I have to catch up quickly.  Love that show!  So fun to watch a couple episodes from Amazon on my ipad last night when all the boys were in bed. 

*a fresh coat of "ballet slipper" on my nails
*sparkly clean fridge--finally cleaned it out--no more things toppling out when you reach for the jam!
*looking forward to a game of UNO with my little boys in front of a warm fire tonight.

What is bringing you cheer on these gray winter days?  
or are you a lucky one with sunshine?


Linda said...

Melanie thanks for the reminder that joy and happiness abound all around us in the small and simple things. For me, winter is a great time of year. There are museums to visit, snow angels to make (although Chicago has been void of the white stuff!), people to serve, letters to write (yes I do mean hand write), hot cocoa to drink, books to read, fires to enjoy, spaces to organize and the list goes on! Happy January!

Melanie Anne said...

Thanks Linda--thank you for the good ideas:) I have a art museum in my city that I have never been to in the 3 years I have lived here. I have meant to go but never got around to it--I am going to go this winter! That is the perfect activity on a gray rainy day!!
happy January to you too!!

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